The Deep River Horseshoe League (DRHL) was established in 1955. As Connecticut’s oldest horseshoe league, this season begins its 70th year;  Members ages range from the teens to 90 and are comprised of firemen, lawyers, stock brokers, policemen, real estate professionals, contractors, and many retired individuals. The league is open to men and women. The  league has 18 teams that complete on nine pits. Each team is comprised of 3 players divided into A ,B, & C divisions based on their handicaps and they in play six matches per week. The league plays begins on April 24th at 5:15 PM and each Thursday evening at Deep River’s “unofficial town green” on Main Street adjacent to the First Congregational Church. 

      The objective is to toss the shoe around the stake or within six  inches of a metal stake from 40 feet away. Men 70 years old or women are allowed to toss from a distance of 30 feet. Each game consist of 12 innings after which the scores are totaled. All point count and score is done using a handicap system.

      The season ends in the third week of August with the top eight teams competing in tournament championship.

       Anyone interested in playing or who would like more information can visit our website: